Monday, February 13, 2012

Fun Pictures

I have been trying to get a picture of this cardinal ever since we moved in.

Another great shot of a very bright bird. 

This is another interesting one.

One afternoon 12 tom Turkeys showed up across the pond. They looked more like dinosaurs of some sort than turkeys.

Hattie sitting out at her basket ball game.

Avri blowing out her birthday cake candles. Shes a big 15 years old now!

Avri's school had a talent show this weekend. Her choir class performed 4 songs.

She did so good.

This girl can sing!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Its a new day!

Every day is a new day here. Thursday we woke up to a trace of snow. It was a breezy 17 degree's with 75% humidity. Let me just say it hurt to go out side. Not painful enough to stop me from layering up and running outside to take pictures of the geese. ...but I did question the tips of my ears when I came back in about frost bite!
I counted 63 geese on the pond!

It will never get old to wake up and see sights like this out my window!

So cool to watch them come in and land then take off. They make a lot of noise right before landing and take off.
On another note. We have made it through another week of school. Hattie started B-ball and came home crying that afternoon. She was walking like she had been beat with a bat. She said all they did was run lines the entire hour. Then second period was PE and all they did was run.  We talked about not giving up and sticking with things we start. So she got up the next morning for practice "I am not going to tell you about all the tears" but she did go, and I was not making her (proud mom moment). She text me later and said it was much better that day.  She also brought home her first friend yesterday. Her name is Katie "apparently her new best friend" according to Katie. I am not sure Hattie likes the idea yet as she still has her best friends from Utah in her mind.  Katie ended up spending the night.  I was happy Hattie had made a good friend but it was strange having some stranger in our house. I am so use to seeing all the kids Hattie grew up with hanging out.  
              Avri is still loving her new classroom. I have not heard one complaint out of her. The twins and Kyle are just all being 8 year olds and loving life. 
              Matt still runs out side with his riffle every time someone calls beaver.  I set up a bird feeder in front of the kitchen window and watch the birds come in when I find myself wandering around wondering what to do with myself. ....that's pretty much life as we know it right now. ...O and I go outside and count the geese when they fly in!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

1-6-2012 school and stuff

            School here in Kansas is nothing like Utah! I think I am living in the wrong era! They are very old fashion and strict. It is not so bad but will be an adjustment for all the kids, I am not saying that the kids of our generation don't need a kick in the pants every once in awhile. They all miss the friends they had in Utah and the relaxed school they went to. Just to name a few things...They are required so sit up straight all day. In music class (which they all have everyday for 20 minutes) they are required to not only sit up completely straight but on the very edge of their chairs. A kid in Hattie's 6th grade class was talking and the teacher said" if you want to behave badly and can't control your mouth then go back to the 3rd grade". YES that kid had to go sit in class with the third graders all day. Friday was a little less shocking than thursday for them. I think it is all just a bit of culture shock.
           I have to say the bus ride scared all of them to death. They said it went really fast and was so bumpy they had a hard time staying in their seats. It is probley just the diffrence in having paved roads in Utah.
          Avri has it pretty easy and is loving every minute of it. Her first day consisted of folding laundry and taking care of the class guinnea pigs. Her class also has a trained watch dog that never leaves a fish and a hamster.  Avri rides a diffrent bus. Her first day they talked really loud and slow to her, when she sat down the bus aide buckled her in. (pretty funny)  Its ok...I walked her to the top of the drive way today and when I turned around to walk home I tripped and fell! I guess they all thought mom should be on the short bus also.
These are the colors I have chosen for my new room. Gotta throw in the black!

Matt bought me my first ever bedroom set ever. I love it!

The movers ruined Hattie's dresser beyond using. Kids got my old stuff I got new. I'm not complaining!  

Twins room. We went with black and pink for their new room.  There is a story with the crooked pictures.  I was having a hard time getting the one straight and then stepped back and thought "I kind of like it crooked" So I left it and made the next one even more crooked. So the next day Hattie comes in and says " I like the pictures, but maybe you should make them straight"!  I said "why who ever said pictures had to be put on a wall straight?"  She said "no one its just what people do" So I said "are you a leader or a follower?" She said "leader"  I said "So am I and I like the pictures crooked!" End of story! 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

First day back to school

            Finally the day is here. The kids had to go back to school. I should not say finally though ...It is so quiet and lonely here at the house without them! I am going to become a really good visiting teacher...I might even go more than once a month ...haha!   There is a relaxation and peace that comes with living in the country but there is also a loneliness!
             Enough about me!  Avri was so excited for school today. She was up and showered and dressed in 15 minutes. The next hour waiting was killing her. We were not sure if her bus was going to come today so she sat in the window looking. Sure enough it pulled up...She YELLS "ITS HERE" and bolted for the door! I am out the front door running after her just to catch up and say good bye and to meet the bus driver before she hops on and they drove off.  It's always the same with her, She is brave and takes off and I am left behind waving with tears in my eyes! 
             The rest of the kids not so excited! I had to drive them to school. I walked all them to their classes. Kyle was one that was super excited it seemed. He walked in and just started taking off his back pack and making himself right at home. Belle was reluctant but was wisked away by a couple students and the teacher. Abby was terrified, but was also wisked away by her teacher and the two girls who were already fighting over her.  POOR Hattie...IF she would have blinked the tears would have been falling. She was so nervous. She looked so pretty. I curled her hair for her and she had on her new school clothes. Nothing to be scared of in my mind ...I think if she could have she would have just turned right back around and come home with me.
            And in the end here sits me in tears just praying they have a great day and come home with stories of all the neat things and new friends AND then there is Tallon...just waiting and watching for his next moment to get into something not a care in the world! 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The start of a new year

This is all our stuff leaving Utah
This is all our stuff stuck in our drive way. Notice the semi is high centered . After 3 hours of hard work and 3 broken heavy chains they started to unload it from where it sat.  18,000 pounds later they were able to pull it out.

First day of church in Kansas

If you have ever seen the movie The birds...This was worse. Holy cow! I have never seen so many birds  together in my life. They were landing in all the trees and the power lines were covered and they were all squawking.  At one point a hawk flew threw and grabbed dinner.

We have a beaver problem! Matt had his table and his gun waiting for dusk. Yes he shot one.   What is left of it or where it went we will never know!

The kids discovered the joy of swinging from tree branches yesterday!

Yesterday was in the mid 60's it seemed like a warm spring day. Hattie rode the 4 wheeler all afternoon.

I have no idea how the boys find so much entertainment in nothing but they were having fun.

On a more serious note!
We attended our first 3 hour session of church today. It was an early start. To our surprise we got the 9am start time.  We had to leave the house at 8:15am to get there on time. Our ward seemed very small but we were told that many families were missing due to the holiday.
I don't know what exactly it is but it is so much different than going to church in Utah. It may be that I knew everyone in  our old  ward and that they all lived within 3 blocks. Don't get me wrong I love and miss them!
We got the warmest welcome from everyone in our new ward today. It made me feel bad that I never extended the same efforts to others that were new in our old ward. We have already been asked if the scouts could do a camp out on our property and earn some merit badges.
I told Matt he is just bound to be in the scouts. Probley me too!  I feel very humbled and grateful to be here.  I became aware of my biggest flaws today and I intend to be better. Last Sunday a new member of the church talked. He bore such a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon . It hit me hard that I had never sat down and read it from front to back. I study and bounce around here and there but never front to back. I started last Monday and I have likened it to my life. I have read things that have opened my eyes and really strengthened my testimony. When I left Utah I had a falling out with my sisters. It left me very hurt and confused. As I was at a loss for words and have a hole in my heart I have found comfort in reading from the Book Of Mormon. Just in this last week I truly have gained a testimony that we can turn to the scriptures and they will guide us and give us comfort. I wish I would have had the faith to turn to scripture and apply it to my life long ago. (I mean truly apply it and liken it to my life)  I think if I knew what I know now I would have handled my sisters differently. I was quick to defend myself and quick to anger because of my hurt. If I could have remained Christ like. I could have at least set the example to them they needed me to set. I am truly humbled and grateful for this new road my life is going down.
 In our lesson today the teacher said " many people make new goals in the new year of what they want to do, but never do they write goals of what they want to be!"  
My goals for this year are " what can I be to be more Christ like"  I think if I set goals like this the rest of my goals will fall into place.

To all my peeps in Utah I love and miss you!