School here in Kansas is nothing like Utah! I think I am living in the wrong era! They are very old fashion and strict. It is not so bad but will be an adjustment for all the kids, I am not saying that the kids of our generation don't need a kick in the pants every once in awhile. They all miss the friends they had in Utah and the relaxed school they went to. Just to name a few things...They are required so sit up straight all day. In music class (which they all have everyday for 20 minutes) they are required to not only sit up completely straight but on the very edge of their chairs. A kid in Hattie's 6th grade class was talking and the teacher said" if you want to behave badly and can't control your mouth then go back to the 3rd grade". YES that kid had to go sit in class with the third graders all day. Friday was a little less shocking than thursday for them. I think it is all just a bit of culture shock.
I have to say the bus ride scared all of them to death. They said it went really fast and was so bumpy they had a hard time staying in their seats. It is probley just the diffrence in having paved roads in Utah.
Avri has it pretty easy and is loving every minute of it. Her first day consisted of folding laundry and taking care of the class guinnea pigs. Her class also has a trained watch dog that never leaves a fish and a hamster. Avri rides a diffrent bus. Her first day they talked really loud and slow to her, when she sat down the bus aide buckled her in. (pretty funny) Its ok...I walked her to the top of the drive way today and when I turned around to walk home I tripped and fell! I guess they all thought mom should be on the short bus also.
These are the colors I have chosen for my new room. Gotta throw in the black! |
Matt bought me my first ever bedroom set ever. I love it! |
The movers ruined Hattie's dresser beyond using. Kids got my old stuff I got new. I'm not complaining! |
Twins room. We went with black and pink for their new room. There is a story with the crooked pictures. I was having a hard time getting the one straight and then stepped back and thought "I kind of like it crooked" So I left it and made the next one even more crooked. So the next day Hattie comes in and says " I like the pictures, but maybe you should make them straight"! I said "why who ever said pictures had to be put on a wall straight?" She said "no one its just what people do" So I said "are you a leader or a follower?" She said "leader" I said "So am I and I like the pictures crooked!" End of story! |
I love your new bedroom looks really nice. I like your bed comforter & curtains too. I like how you have been decorating :)
Sarah, I am trying to be more colorful! I like it. I have a splash of black everywhere but with lighter happier colors.
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