Thursday, January 5, 2012

First day back to school

            Finally the day is here. The kids had to go back to school. I should not say finally though ...It is so quiet and lonely here at the house without them! I am going to become a really good visiting teacher...I might even go more than once a month ...haha!   There is a relaxation and peace that comes with living in the country but there is also a loneliness!
             Enough about me!  Avri was so excited for school today. She was up and showered and dressed in 15 minutes. The next hour waiting was killing her. We were not sure if her bus was going to come today so she sat in the window looking. Sure enough it pulled up...She YELLS "ITS HERE" and bolted for the door! I am out the front door running after her just to catch up and say good bye and to meet the bus driver before she hops on and they drove off.  It's always the same with her, She is brave and takes off and I am left behind waving with tears in my eyes! 
             The rest of the kids not so excited! I had to drive them to school. I walked all them to their classes. Kyle was one that was super excited it seemed. He walked in and just started taking off his back pack and making himself right at home. Belle was reluctant but was wisked away by a couple students and the teacher. Abby was terrified, but was also wisked away by her teacher and the two girls who were already fighting over her.  POOR Hattie...IF she would have blinked the tears would have been falling. She was so nervous. She looked so pretty. I curled her hair for her and she had on her new school clothes. Nothing to be scared of in my mind ...I think if she could have she would have just turned right back around and come home with me.
            And in the end here sits me in tears just praying they have a great day and come home with stories of all the neat things and new friends AND then there is Tallon...just waiting and watching for his next moment to get into something not a care in the world! 

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You will be an awesome VT Katie! As I read this, I was trying to visualize the kids on their first day and I know they will all be fine...even Hattie. Being that today is their second day...I hope it's even better for them. Avri is a cutie and I can see her running to that bus! I am sure you are loving all that country scenery and the quiet. I miss you being across the street but love hearing about all your adventures on here :)