Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Link to a second blog

I have thought that Avri has such a greater purpose than to keep me on the straight and narrow! I have watched her grow leaps and bounds this last year and I want to share that with some one, any one who ever thought some thing was not possible, or that life is to hard! I started to document her life on my blog and decided she deserved her own! So for anyone who read any of the first posts I wrote they are now on the "A life without limits" blog link! Her life has been so full so far that it will take me a few days to get caught up to her current life!


Adrian said...

Love the family picture and cant wait to read the blog about Avri. She is such a sweetheart...and the more you get to know her, the more you feel her sweet spirit. She is definetly on this earth to teach us all something, so it is great that you are sharing her story.

Adrian said...

ps...get rid of the word verification. It doesn't do anything, except keep people from leaving comments cuz it takes too much time. I have had mine off for 2 years and never had a problem. It it just there to prove the person leaving the commment isn't a computer...it doesn't block anything.

Katie said...

Thanks Adrian! I did not even know what the word verification was, but I turned it off!