Monday, June 13, 2011

My tomato plants have me stumped!

            It has become an obsession! Seriously, I look for pictures and descriptions and walk out and look at them a few times a day. I do not see anything anywhere like what is going on with most of my tomatoes. They look like they are wilted but are firm to touch. The leaves and stems are almost fern like and they are all curled and growing down instead of out and up. I did find little black bugs that look like ants or fruit flies on them so I  sprayed a pesticide. The pesticide did not seem to do anything, so last night I blended up  3 garlic cloves in 2 cups of water then added about a TBL of oil, a few drops of natural lemon oil and eucalyptus oil. I put a 1/4 cup of the mix with about a 1/2 tsp dish soap in a 64 ounce sprayer. The plants actually looked a touch better today. I did not see as many living bugs on them. I did put a small cup of oil by one of the plants and the black nat things seem to be attracted to it and drown.  


Adrian said...

Weird. I want to come to your sounds like the little shop of horrors. (have you seen that musical?) This week has gotten busy at nights, but I am home all day. Maybe we could just hang and get take out or something.

Katie said...

I have not seen that musical but have heard of it. I am seriously going to go crazy trying to figure this out. I actually dug up one tomato plant to look at the roots and it was all root bound so I untangled them and went to the next plant. I ended up doing this to all my smaller plants. My big tomatoes that have the weird growth have good established root systems so I left those alone. I have to get finish getting Avri ready for camp today, maybe I can stop by wed or thursday or you can stop by here.

Adrian said...

I thought I commented on your discovery...but now I dont see the blog post. Anyway, I can't believe it and feel so bad. What a mess!! Let me know if you need any help burning logs for ashes! Ha. I bet you can still save your garden.

Katie said...

I deleted it. Randy called Matt. They thought I posted it on FB and were thinking I was crazy and better delete it. I have pulled a bunch of the plants. I had a ton come up in my corner bed from last year and transplanted some over, but alot of them started to died right away. Time will tell what is going to happen. I ended up just putting a bunch of tomato plants in pots on my back patio. I am not sure what my plan of attack is going to be at this point.