Sunday, January 1, 2012

The start of a new year

This is all our stuff leaving Utah
This is all our stuff stuck in our drive way. Notice the semi is high centered . After 3 hours of hard work and 3 broken heavy chains they started to unload it from where it sat.  18,000 pounds later they were able to pull it out.

First day of church in Kansas

If you have ever seen the movie The birds...This was worse. Holy cow! I have never seen so many birds  together in my life. They were landing in all the trees and the power lines were covered and they were all squawking.  At one point a hawk flew threw and grabbed dinner.

We have a beaver problem! Matt had his table and his gun waiting for dusk. Yes he shot one.   What is left of it or where it went we will never know!

The kids discovered the joy of swinging from tree branches yesterday!

Yesterday was in the mid 60's it seemed like a warm spring day. Hattie rode the 4 wheeler all afternoon.

I have no idea how the boys find so much entertainment in nothing but they were having fun.

On a more serious note!
We attended our first 3 hour session of church today. It was an early start. To our surprise we got the 9am start time.  We had to leave the house at 8:15am to get there on time. Our ward seemed very small but we were told that many families were missing due to the holiday.
I don't know what exactly it is but it is so much different than going to church in Utah. It may be that I knew everyone in  our old  ward and that they all lived within 3 blocks. Don't get me wrong I love and miss them!
We got the warmest welcome from everyone in our new ward today. It made me feel bad that I never extended the same efforts to others that were new in our old ward. We have already been asked if the scouts could do a camp out on our property and earn some merit badges.
I told Matt he is just bound to be in the scouts. Probley me too!  I feel very humbled and grateful to be here.  I became aware of my biggest flaws today and I intend to be better. Last Sunday a new member of the church talked. He bore such a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon . It hit me hard that I had never sat down and read it from front to back. I study and bounce around here and there but never front to back. I started last Monday and I have likened it to my life. I have read things that have opened my eyes and really strengthened my testimony. When I left Utah I had a falling out with my sisters. It left me very hurt and confused. As I was at a loss for words and have a hole in my heart I have found comfort in reading from the Book Of Mormon. Just in this last week I truly have gained a testimony that we can turn to the scriptures and they will guide us and give us comfort. I wish I would have had the faith to turn to scripture and apply it to my life long ago. (I mean truly apply it and liken it to my life)  I think if I knew what I know now I would have handled my sisters differently. I was quick to defend myself and quick to anger because of my hurt. If I could have remained Christ like. I could have at least set the example to them they needed me to set. I am truly humbled and grateful for this new road my life is going down.
 In our lesson today the teacher said " many people make new goals in the new year of what they want to do, but never do they write goals of what they want to be!"  
My goals for this year are " what can I be to be more Christ like"  I think if I set goals like this the rest of my goals will fall into place.

To all my peeps in Utah I love and miss you!

1 comment:

Kayley said...

Katie, this was so wonderful to read! I love the pictures of the kids enjoying the property. I bet they will continue to love exploring it!
Thank you for your thoughts at the end too. It is so good to hear that you had a good experience in your new ward. I know we talked a bit about that before you I'm so happy it was good. I look forward to a similar welcome in Virginia.
Avri called me the other day and it was such a wonderful surprise! I love that girl and miss her. Give her a hug for me! Thanks!